DC's Legends of Tomorrow Ringtone

DC's Legends of Tomorrow is an action-adventure television series on The CW. It premiered on January 21, 2016 and is a spin-off from Arrow and The Flash, existing in the same fictional DC universe.

Legends of Tomorrow follows the adventures of Time Master Rip Hunter. Having seen the future, one he is desperately trying to prevent from happening, Rip assembles a mismatched group of heroes and villains to confront and stop Vandal Savage from taking over and eventually destroying the world.

From the shows opening:

"In 2166, an immortal tyrant named Vandal Savage conquered the world and murdered my wife and child. 

I have assembled an elite team to hunt him throughout time and stop his rise to power. Unfortunately, my plan is opposed by the body I'd sworn my allegiance to: the Time Masters. 

In the future, my friends may not be heroes, but if we succeed, they will be remembered as legends."

DC's Legends of Tomorrow Ringtone