The series premiered in February 2015 in the Berlinale Special Galas section of the 65th Berlin International Film Festival and the 13-episode first season premiered in its entirety on Netflix in March 2015. The first season received strong positive reviews, with some naming Bloodline the best Netflix original series to date and praising its performances, writing, cinematography, and directing.
Set in the Florida Keys, Bloodline is the the story of the Rayburn family. It mixes family drama with mystery and film noir. The Rayburns run a beachfront resort where they are respected by most of the community, but resented by some others. While the anchor of the show is Sheriff John Rayburn (Kyle Chandler), much of the first season's story revolves around the homecoming of Danny (Ben Mendelsohn), the black sheep of the family, and how it impacts the family dynamic.
Bloodline was officially renewed for a second season to debut in 2016.
Starring Kyle Chandler, Ben Mendelsohn, Linda Cardellini, Sissy Spacek, Sam Shepard, Norbert Leo Butz, Jacinda Barrett, Enrique Murciano, Jamie McShane, Chloƫ Sevigny
Bloodline Ringtone: