Mad Men is a 1960s period drama television series created by Matthew Weiner. Mad Men is set primarily in the 1960s, following character who are in the advertising industry in New York. The series premiered in July 2007 on the cable network AMC and is produced by Lionsgate Television. After 7 seasons and 92 episodes, Mad Men's final episode aired on May 17, 2015.
The main character of the series is Don Draper (played by Jon Hamm), first as the creative director at Sterling Cooper and later as a founding partner at Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce. The plots focuse on the business of the agencies as well as the personal lives of the characters, regularly depicting the changing moods and social mores of the United States across the 1960s, starting in March 1960 (season 1) and moving through November 1970 (season 7).
Throughout its run, Mad Men received widespread critical acclaim for its writing, acting, and historical authenticity and has won many awards, including 15 Emmys and four Golden Globes. The show was the first basic cable series to win the Emmy Award for Outstanding Drama Series, winning in each of its first four seasons.
Mad Men Ringtone: